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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 18, Issue 6, pp. 1513-1809

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A Triple Product Theorem for Hypergeometric Series

Peter Henrici

pp. 1513-1518

Canonical Equations and Symmetry Techniques for $q$-Series

A. K. Agarwal, E. G. Kalnins, and Willard Miller, Jr.

pp. 1519-1538

A Probabilistic Proof of Ramanujan's ${}_1 \psi _1 $ Sum

Kevin W. J. Kadell

pp. 1539-1548

New Inequalities for the Zeros of Jacobi Polynomials

Luigi Gatteschi

pp. 1549-1562

New Properties of the Zeros of a Jacobi Polynomial in Relation to their Centroid

Árpád Elbert and Andrea Laforgia

pp. 1563-1572

Explicit Formula Relating the Jacobi, Hahn and Bernstein Polynomials

Z. Ciesielski

pp. 1573-1575

Multilateral Summation Theorems for Ordinary and Basic Hypergeometric Series in $U(n)$.

R. A. Gustafson

pp. 1576-1596

Asymptotic Behaviour of the Coefficients of Some Sequences of Polynomials

W. Van Assche, G. Fano, and F. Ortolani

pp. 1597-1615

On a Simplified Asymptotic Formula for the Mathieu Function of the Third Kind

D. Naylor

pp. 1616-1629

Asymptotic Expansion of a Multiple Integral

J. P. McClure and R. Wong

pp. 1630-1637

Incomplete Laplace Integrals: Uniform Asymptotic Expansion with Application to the Incomplete Beta Function

N. M. Temme

pp. 1638-1663

Some Properties of the Zeros of Polynomial Solutions of Sturm–Liouville Equations

R. G. Campos

pp. 1664-1668

On an Expansion Theorem of F. V. Atkinson and P. Binding

Hans Volkmer

pp. 1669-1680

A Periodic Wave and Its Stability to a Circular Chain of Weakly Coupled Oscillators

Yoshihisa Morita

pp. 1681-1698

Melnikov's Method at a Saddle-Node and the Dynamics of the Forced Josephson Junction

Stephen Schecter

pp. 1699-1715

On Stochastic Functional-Differential Equations with Unbounded Delay

Constantin Tudor

pp. 1716-1725

Stability of Singularly Perturbed Solutions to Systems of Reaction-Diffusion Equations

Yasumasa Nishiura and Hiroshi Fujii

pp. 1726-1770

Multiple Steady States in a Biochemical System

Chunqing Lu

pp. 1771-1783

Weak Solutions to Stefan Problems with Prescribed Convection

Jim Rulla

pp. 1784-1800

An Inverse Problem for a Nonlinear Elliptic Differential Equation

Michael Pilant and William Rundell

pp. 1801-1809